Tuesday, 21 May 2013

More gallery goodness

The latest batch of Rebejoo shinies, all recycled/handmade, are back from being displayed at the Hansard gallery in Southampton, but just down the road there's another option to see them as they are now in the splendid Art House just up the road.

Some Rebejoo items for sale in the Art House
I have to say a big thanks to Ruth for (a) agreeing to stock my pieces and (b) making the selection process an enjoyable one, and to Nina for organising the marvellous display. As Rebejoo is still quite a new enterprise, I'm still learning about things such as how to present and package my jewellery, so it was great to meet with someone who does this regularly. This might not seem like work to everyone, but travelling to and from the ArtHouse, sorting through my stock, and doing the admin took half a day. A very pleasant half-day, but significant time and effort nonetheless - the shift from hobbyist to 'pro' has definitely happened even if it is small-scale - something Jani at the ArtHouse has written about most eloquently e.g. here.

Now, with that all done, it's great to see them arranged so well (yup, those are the reels from old VHS cassettes being used as plinths...) - hopefully people will give in to their want-titis and buy them :) So, if you are in the Art House, please do have a look (over some tea, cake, burritos etc); a third of the sale price goes to support their fine not-for-profit venue. If you aren't near Southampton, don't worry, all Rebejoo items are on the facebook page, complete with photos, descriptions, sizes and prices. Soon, back to the shed for more making...

Ruth gets down to the important business of boxing up Rebejoo goodies prior to display.